


1956年東京藝術大学を卒業と同時に声楽家有志と東京混声合唱団を創立、常任指揮者に就任。今日まで、作曲家と協力して新しい日本の合唱音楽の創造に力を尽くし、東混定期などで450曲を超える現代合唱曲を初演している。1997年桂冠指揮者の称号を贈られる。 2007-2013年音楽監督。2007より理事長。




World Youth Choir '97 Japan、WYC'99-00 Winter Belgium、WYC20th Anniversary Sweden 2009、Asia Youth Choir'98、'04 Niigataを指揮。

世界合唱シンポジウム'96 Sydney、'99 Rotterdam、'05 Kyotoにて講演。




2014年7月、「絶対!うまくなる 合唱 100のコツ」(ヤマハ)を出版。









Tanaka graduated from Tokyo National University of Arts and Music in 1956. In the same year, along with a group of vocalists, created and began directing the Tokyo Philharmonic Chorus. 

Working together with composers, this group continues to create new choral music, and to date they have premiered  over 370 contemporary choral works.


Tanaka has worked with such prominent conductors and orchestrasas Herbert von Karajan and the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra,

Wolfgang Swallish and the Philadelphia Philharmonic Orchestra, Gluseppe Sinopoli and the Phil harmony Orchestra and Lovro von 

Matacic and the NHK Orchestra.


Tanaka was awarded the Mainichi Arts Prize in 1986. He led the Tokyo Philharmonic Chorus on a seven city tour of the United 

States, including New York City, 1987, which was sponsored by the Japanese Agency for Cultural Affairs to perform contemporary 

Japanese music.


Tanaka also directed the World Youth Choir'97 Japan, World Youth Choir '99-'00 Belgium, and the World Chorus Symposium'96 in 

Sydney and the one held in 1999 in Rotterdam.


He was a lecture at Tokyo national University of Arts and Music from 1971 to 1995 and a guest professor at Toho Gakuen from 1987 

to 1997. In 2000, he received the Fourth Class order of the Sacred Treasure (Zuihou award) from the Japanese Government.


柘植洋子 つげようこ:指揮者


 柘植洋子は、日本の合唱指揮者の重鎮であり東京混声合唱団桂冠指揮者である田中信昭から指揮法を学んだ。 彼女は教師として熱心に合唱活動に取り組み、教師になった年に NHK 音楽コンクール岐阜大会で優良賞を受賞、2年後には同コンクールで優秀賞を受賞、重ねてCBC 音楽コンクールで優秀作品賞受賞、また、その2年後には全国グロスマン合唱音楽コンクールにおいて金賞を獲得し、合唱指揮者として若い頃から頭角を現していた。1980年多治見少年少女合唱団指揮者として招かれ、1985年に田中信昭と出会うことにより日本の合唱界の最先端の合唱活動へと導かれるに至った。







 柘植洋子は、年間20を超える演奏会を指揮している。小林研一郎や飯森範親等優れた指揮者からの信望が厚く、小林研一郎指揮名古屋フィル ハーモニー交響楽団「カルミナ・ブラーナ」「第9」、飯森範親による「マタイ受難曲」の合唱指揮を務め賞賛された。彼女は、県内外からコンクールの審査員や講習会の講師、演奏会の指揮者を依頼され出かけることが多い。





Yoko Tsuge learned to command from Nobuaki Tanaka who was the Laureate conductor of Tokyo Philharmonic Chorus. She tackled chorus activities in a school very enthusiastically as a teacher, 

she was awarded the maximum excellent prize in NHK contest at the year when she became a teacher, won prize for an excellent work in the CBC music contest, and won the gold award of Grossman chorus music competition.


Then she was invited to Tajimi Choir as a conductor. In 1985, she met Nobuaki Tanaka and had him teach the method of command. 

She is studying about how to make the tone of voice according to the developmental stage of each attraction and how to perform the outstanding pieces of music.


Also she was eager to establish not only chorus music but also let many people have opportunities to play with an orchestra, she let Tajimi Choir hold Ensemble Cera which was organized with excellent local musicians.


Yoko Tsuge directed regular performances more than 20 stages of a year. She served "Carmina Burana" "No.9” concerts of the Nagoya Philharmonic Orchestra by Ken-ichiro Kobayashi and "Matthew Passion" by Norichika Iimori as the choir conductor. And she was praised. 

She sometimes joined the competitions of NHK and Japan Choral Association as a judge and gave lectures. She has continued searching for the way of Japanese chorus with Japanese composers.